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81st Congress of the Societe Francaise de Phlebologie

14 - 15 December 2023 Paris, France

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

We are pleased to welcome you to the 81st annual congress of the French Society of Phlebology which will take place on December 14th and 15th, 2023 at the Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris.

For this new edition, organized in 2 days, more flexible and adapted to the schedules of each person, we made the choice of a place emphasizing knowledge, teaching and transmission, with an international dimension, like our congress.

In this place that is both heritage and open to the world, we will be present, as we are every year, to share the advances of new techniques in the field of Phlebology and to meet in a convivial manner for exchanges that are always very enlightening.

A new program, created from an innovative angle and totally complementary to the previous version, awaits you.

We hope to see many of you with the same enthusiasm and wish to contribute to the transmission of our wonderful specialty through the quality of our speakers and our exchanges.

Phlebologically yours,

Matthieu Josnin
President of the SFP and of the Organizing Committee of the SFP 2023 Congress

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